A Diabetes diagnosis should not stop you from living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

If there’s just one thing anyone living Diabetes has learned, it is that someone’s self-worth should not be reflected in a single number.

But you know and I know, that sometimes it feels like it is.

If you're tired of trial and error and no longer want to feel like a science experiment, you're in the right place.

The truth is, living a healthy and manageable lifestyle is actually very possible.

I spent so much time feeling exhausted and overwhelmed and I finally realized that it didn’t have to be that way.

Diabetes Lifestyle Academy was designed and specifically curated to help others, just like you, find management easier, and to help you experience important mindset shifts that are so imperative in overcoming the unique challenges of living with Diabetes.

See how I can help you with your journey




Success Stories

Falyn is motivating and so inspiring. She gets it!

The meal plans are so simple, anyone can follow them and have success! I love the daily motivation and accountability. I could not have reached my goals on my own!

I was struggling with fad diets for years…finally finding a way of eating that is sustainable and not having me feel restricted is life-changing for sure!

Schedule a call today to take action and take control of your health.

You will walk away with 3 steps you can start implementing today!

All Rights Reserved.

Falyn Shilts | Diabetes Lifestyle Academy

A Diabetes diagnosis should not stop you from living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

If there’s just one thing anyone living Diabetes has learned, it is that someone’s self-worth should not be reflected in a single number.

But you know and I know, that sometimes it feels like it is.

If you're tired of trial and error and no longer want to feel like a science experiment, you're in the right place.

The truth is, living a healthy and manageable lifestyle is actually very possible.

I spent so much time feeling exhausted and overwhelmed and I finally realized that it didn’t have to be that way.

Diabetes Lifestyle Academy was designed and specifically curated to help others, just like you, find management easier, and to help you experience important mindset shifts that are so imperative in overcoming the unique challenges of living with Diabetes.



Employees who are healthy and happy usually have higher levels of productivity than those who are not. It’s a win-win situation, as it leads to many benefits for the company. Wellness programs don’t just increase productivity but also lead to increased engagement, improved employee morale and retention, and reduced health risks.

There are many reasons it's beneficial for companies to support and encourage wellness in the workplace, including:

✨Improves employee health behaviors. ...

✨Improves employee health. ...

✨Increases productivity. ...

✨Improves employee engagement. ...

✨Improves morale. ...

✨Reduces stress levels. ...

✨Improves attendance. ...

✨Reduces healthcare costs.

There is a positive connection between employee wellness and the performance of a business. A good employee wellness program should cater to the employees’ emotional, physical, mental, and financial wellness. Generally, the benefits of implementing comprehensive employee wellness programs surpass the costs.

Falyn can help formulate the perfect program for your staff and their needs.


It’s time to finally put aside that guilt you feel for not maintaining your health, and instead, arm yourself with the tools you need to feel yourself so you can be your best self.

If there’s just one thing anyone living Diabetes has learned, it is that someone’s self-worth should not be reflected in a single number.

But you know and I know, that sometimes it feels like it is.

If you're tired of trial and error and no longer want to feel like a science experiment, you're in the right place.

The truth is, living a healthy and manageable lifestyle is actually very possible.

I spent so much time feeling exhausted and overwhelmed and I finally realized that it didn’t have to be that way.

Schedule a call with me to discuss……

I know you think you can do this alone but if you could, wouldn’t you have done it already?

You are just ONE phone call away from a totally different LIFE & a totally different YOU.


Use the form below to send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Success Stories

Falyn is motivating and so inspiring. She gets it!

The meal plans are so simple, anyone can follow them and have success! I love the daily motivation and accountability. I could not have reached my goals on my own!

I was struggling with fad diets for years…finally finding a way of eating that is sustainable and not having me feel restricted is life-changing for sure!

All Rights Reserved.

Falyn Shilts | Diabetes Lifestyle Academy